Thursday, 6 November 2008


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new msg!
[idle: 0 mins]
÷marechal: n apple
÷Badby4u: member Badby4u enters chat!
÷Trolljohn: member Trolljohn enters room!
Milk1: Sharuk as is a crossdresser
BLINKY6: conda let me knw if u're leavin cos u d main reason am here
÷moondance1: Ur a joke shar u have to hide behind a user name
Givesome: user Givesome enters chat!
÷arooma: i dnt like milk
÷marechal: walah tofa7a it wil help u 2 sleep
Alexmar: hello?
CHEKER: salam aroma
÷PaThMaN: member PaThMaN enters chat!
÷xxxxmr.gxxx: member xxxxmr.gxxx enters chat!
Milk1: He is a nig3r everybody
Alexmar: user Alexmar enters chat!
÷arooma: :) amine
Wuera1: user Wuera1 enters chat!
÷marechal: malha chst hey drink a cup of milk
BLINKY6: sharuko ur mum arent got no pussy so ur dad masturbated u.
Milk1: Sharuk are u a nig3r with a name like that
Roan4: Hey roeroe.i like ur name,it reminds me of sum1 i watz ur asl?
CHEKER: Slt salam
Conda360: milk you going to diff chatsite
÷marechal: member marechal enters chat!
÷milliegrl: member milliegrl enters chat!
Milk1: Hmmm
÷arooma: member arooma enters chat!
CHEKER: user CHEKER enters chat!
÷Trolljohn: Leave it Moon.Tis ok mate.Cheers
BLINKY6: sharuko8 u must be an idiot
÷moondance1: Grow up shar
BLINKY6: reoreo helo asl plz
÷Trolljohn: iBot Are you drinking tonight
Roeroe: Hellow roeroe here
Alexmar: user Alexmar enters chat!
÷Trolljohn: True Moon
BLINKY6: kish68 hello asl plz
Milk1: Theres also airg thats anotha chatsite
÷moondance1: There all crappy john lol
*iBot: I am very well thank you trolljohn thanks for asking
KISH68: user KISH68 enters chat!
÷Trolljohn: iBot How are you
÷Trolljohn: I'm 40 Plebe
÷Trolljohn: iBot Are you well
*iBot: moondance1 result for dike
÷moondance1: Ibot look up dike
Roan4: Dont u worrỵi'll snd u a blanket 2 kip u warm wat do u do 4 fun?
Milk1: Hmmm
÷Trolljohn: Aint been there Moon..Got Prodigits though n its pretty crap lol
÷carrie28: Me know how old the old troll is lol
*iBot: hey! it np @ trolljohn i like chatting :o)
÷Trolljohn: iBot Thank you
÷moondance1: Iv only been to mocospace john
WANNALIK: moco is pretty cool
÷carrie28: Hiya badby lol
÷Trolljohn: *you
Milk1: Opens up a corona
÷Trolljohn: iBot Thak Ypou :o)
÷Vikesh023: elo ibot
÷Trolljohn: Gues lol
Conda360: i bet i wish i was there is cold here
÷Trolljohn: Gues lol
plebe2: do yer knw ov ne otha gud cht sites moondance
*iBot: trolljohn your pic is .gif :o)
÷Trolljohn: iBot Gallery 2please
BLINKY6: conda did u got my number reply
÷Badby4u: hello people
Milk1: Theres airg power chat mocospace and jsmart those are other chat sites
÷Trolljohn: Ttfn Moon..Which 1 ya use?.
÷Vikesh023: member Vikesh023 enters chat!
L4D1T: Lol, ur a bloke? Jst nice2ask.. N how old? Ye canny be dat old!
÷Trolljohn: Geeeeeeeeeeeeeee.The SKY's up
plebe2: tis gettin cold roan
÷Badby4u: member Badby4u enters chat!
÷moondance1: Screw this place im off to a better chatsite
Picudito: user Picudito enters chat!
Milk1: Its hot conda
WANNALIK: hey ppl whats up
÷Dream-eyes: member Dream-eyes enters chat!
÷Trolljohn: Well................I'm old n if ya cant guess me sex.Wellll.
Milk1: I dont know
0rAtE: l4d1t limeña ?
Conda360: milk hows cal
WANNALIK: user WANNALIK enters chat!
L4D1T: Hablas englesea, y pocco espanol
÷carrie28: <-- 28 in usa. stone cold sober lol
Roan4: I'm 20m how's d weather over there?
÷marechal: member marechal enters chat!
Milk1: Im also drunk i just had 2 bottles of tequila
BLINKY6: conda nd milk wen wz the last time u did sumtin 4 d first time
L4D1T: Hey troll wha ur age n sex?
÷Trolljohn: <-----Drunk,Stoned too
Milk1: Hola que dice banda
÷Trolljohn: <------ allergic t Milk..
Milk1: He can u smugle me in2 scotland
L4D1T: Hola! Que tal?
0rAtE: alguna limeñita ?
Conda360: milk is suck



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